Selling the use of your software online requires an End User License Agreement (EULA) to protect your property. You MUST SEE these EULA generators!
An online business that provides services for purchase must include an End User License Agreement that a customer must agree to before a transaction can be made. Usually, this agreement determines how the customer is allowed to use the service your business is providing, this commonly involves software as the service.
If you are running a business and have no idea where to start with this, don’t worry! I provide the information you need to know to pick the best end user license agreement generator for you below.
What is an End User License Agreement (EULA)?
An End User License Agreement (EULA) is used to determine how a business’s intellectual property may be used by a customer. Usually, this property takes the form of some kind of software. Many people will be familiar with this from the customer’s perspective. Anyone that has played an online game or downloaded a software service like Microsoft Office will have seen one of these.Most people just click through these and don’t bother paying attention to them but they do serve a purpose for businesses. It is a way to protect against property theft and ensure that your software is not considered “open-source” so that anyone can use it and distribute it openly.
What Is an EULA Intended to Do?
A EULA provides a clear description of how a business’ property can be used by a customer and prevents them from manipulating that product or creating a copy of it to sell themselves. This ensures that a business’s property is safe and protected while also allowing them to make money off of it.EULA’s can go by many different names. If you encounter documents that are titled as something like “Licensing Agreement” or “Licensed Application End User Agreement” it is most likely a EULA.EULA’s are not only there to protect against theft, but they are also intended to ensure that a business is not liable for any damage caused by their software.
Why is End User License Agreement Important?
If the software that you own is being used by someone else then it falls under the protection of copyright law. The EULA serves as a way to describe exactly how and under what circumstances your software can be used by a customer for that copyright law and without it you are essentially leaving your software to be used and copied by anyone that wants it. Most users don’t bother to read the EULA but it is still important to have one and ensure that your customers agree to it. It is a document that serves to protect your business and, therefore, should be one of the highest priorities for a startup business.
Is an EULA a Legally Binding Contract?
A EULA on its own is not in any way legally binding, but it does serve as a way for a business to interact with copyright law and is, in that way, very useful from a legal standpoint.If you have created and hold the rights to a piece of software then it is illegal for someone else to use, recreate, or sell it for their own gain. A EULA serves as a means for you to allow someone else to legally use your software and determines exactly what uses you are allowing. It is not a contract and therefore cannot be a legally binding one, but it is an agreement between you and the customer.As long as the user is forced to acknowledge and accept the EULA before they use your software, it is binding and can serve as evidence in the case of a lawsuit or some other legal proceeding.
How Does EULA Generator Work?
Most EULA generators work by presenting you with a series of questions to determine exactly what kind of business you are running and what kind of products your business provides. Once those answers are provided you will be asked to answer what allowances you are providing your customers regarding your software.Once you have answered all of the questions the generator will create a EULA document for you fitting your specific needs and tailored to your business. After the document is created usually a method is provided for you to download the document directly, or in some cases, it is emailed to you.
What Are the Benefits of EULA Generator?
A business that is just starting is unlikely to have the resources necessary to hire a team of lawyers to create their legal documents for them. If the business owner or one of the employees doesn’t have the required skill set to create the legal documents a business needs to function then the owner could be left with no idea how to get what they need. That is where a EULA generator comes in. For a small fee, or even freely in some cases, you can use a EULA generator to create the paperwork you need. This saves you the time and effort of writing one yourself and it saves you the money you would normally have to pay a lawyer or attorney to do it for you.
Best End User License Agreement Generator Reviews
The EULA generator provided by Termsfeed is a very simple and easy to use generator with plenty of customization options. Unfortunately, the most important features are locked behind a paywall, but it is a modest fee and they only charge you once as opposed to the subscription fee that some services require.
Using the Termsfeed generator is very cost-efficient. Once you click on the “Generate EULA” button a series of questions are displayed to determine the nature of your software and business. You are then presented several options and features to personalize and specify the nature of your EULA and what you are allowing your customers to use your software for.
Some features require a small fee to have them added, but they are important and the fee is very affordable so I recommend including them. It was a simple matter of 5 minutes for me to go through the generation process which is a whole lot faster than the entire day, sometimes more, that it would take to work with an attorney to get these documents made. The small fee you have to pay is much more preferable than what it costs for a lawyer as well.
After you have completed the question process you must, unfortunately, provide your email to download your EULA but after providing your email you are given the option to directly download the EULA which I was happy to see.
Termsfeed also provides free hosting services if you would rather just link to your EULA document which is a nice added feature but is not recommended as your EULA is practically worthless if your customers are not required to acknowledge and accept them before using your software.
One of the better aspects of Termsfeed’s services is that they do not only offer EULA generation services. You can get a lot of the other required legal documents for your business from them as well such as refund policy documents and privacy policy documents.
Easy to use
One-time fee
Covers all required topics
Email required
Overall, I am confident in saying that Termsfeed is a great option for any startup business looking to save a little of their resources on lawyer fees and man-hours. They provide a high standard of documents with a large degree of customization options.
They aren’t the most detail-oriented generator but their documents are tailored to your specific needs which should make for a minimal amount of extra work required on your part.
Fast to Complete
2. RocketLawyer EULA Generator
Review Score:
The RocketLawyer EULA generator is essentially like filling out an end-user license agreement template, which is less than ideal and makes for a more general use document than one specifically tailored to your business and needs, but it is still functional and makes for a useful tool.
You will likely have to put in a little extra work if you go with this option, but it should be minimal and the document provided by RocketLawyer should be a fantastic start.
I am pleased to note that RocketLawyer’s generator does not simply present a list of questions that you fill out in a questionnaire format.
But instead, asks a single question at a time and uses your answers to determine what questions are necessary for your needs. This adds a certain level of specification to their document regarding the needs of your business and the use of your software.
Once you have completed the process you are, unfortunately, required to provide your email and then the document is sent to you rather than allowing you to download it directly.
The document provided by the generator lacks details but it should serve as an excellent start and require only a small amount of extra work to serve your business well.
Covers required topics
Quick to complete
Covers all required topics
Not very specific
Email requiredc
Most Customizable
3. Legal Templates EULA Generator
Review Score:
The generator provided by Legal Templates is not a template at all, it is a proper generator and provides a fantastic amount of customization and detail. The questions asked by this generator cover extremely important topics that are missed by many of their competitors.
The generator is very detailed and includes coverage of topics like where legal action will take place if that is necessary, whether the license is being granted to a single individual or if it is for general use across multiple users which is a very important stipulation to make, or even how many times the software can be downloaded.
These are all topics that are commonly missed by other generators that could potentially have negative consequences if you did not know to add them in yourself.
One of the downsides of using the Legal Templates EULA generator is that they require that you make an account on their site and they don’t mention this until after you have finished the generation process.
This is inconvenient and I found it especially annoying that they chose not to mention that signing up for an account would be required until after I had spent the time to complete their generator’s process.
In comparison to other services of its type, the Legal Templates generator is a lengthier process than its competitors largely due to how detailed it is which I consider to be a small price to pay for the added coverage this generator provides.
Altogether, I believe that this eula generator is a very strong contender for the best end user license agreement generator and should be very useful for a startup business.
Highly customizable
Extremely detailed
Easy to use
Takes longer to complete
4. FormSwift EULA Generator
Review Score:
The generator from FormSwift is very quick to complete and easy to use. It does cover the primary points that are needed for a useful EULA but it could stand to have more detail.
While you are answering the provided questions there is an end user license agreement sample that displays the section of the eula agreement the current question pertains to.
This is a fantastic feature that helps the user to understand exactly where their information is being included in the document and, with careful reading, helps to understand exactly what is needed for a EULA.
Unfortunately, while the generator does cover the important points that a EULA should, the speed with which you can complete the generation process comes with the price of a lack of details.
The generation process feels very similar to filling out a EULA template which is further enforced by the eula sample shown on the side of the screen.
Unfortunately, this is another case of a generator requiring sign up to download the EULA agreement and failing to mention this before the process is started.
Once you complete the generation process you are given the option to export your document which instead will redirect to account creation.
Fast and efficient
Easy to use
Covers all required topics
Lacks details
5. LawDepot EULA Generator
Review Score:
The LawDepot EULA generator is only available if you agree to pay a monthly fee that is far more expensive than the other options available on this list. It does cover the main points that are needed for a EULA agreement and provides quite a bit of customization.
The customization options are very thorough and should be more than sufficient to ensure that the EULA is specifically tailored to the needs of your business. It does cover many details that other competing generators fail to cover.
Unfortunately, LawDepot does not mention that their generator is only available to those who pay until you have completed the generation process, at which point you are offered the opportunity to pay or sign up for a free trial that will automatically convert to a paid version after the trial period is over.
LawDepot is the most expensive option on this list, but it is an effective EULA generator and is an acceptable option for those that don’t mind paying.
Very customizable
Highly detailed
Monthly fee
6. Eulatemplate EULA Generator
Review Score:
The Eulatemplate generator is a less than stellar example of a EULA generator. It provides very little in the way of customization and is more of a general use EULA agreement than a specialized one specifically tailored to your business.
There are very few customization options that are presented to the user for this generator. You can provide an address, a business name, and a software name to be included in the EULA but that is it. The rest of the EULA is constructed without input from the user which isn’t the ideal method for EULA generation.
Because the EULA generated by Eulatemplate is so lacking in details tailored to your business there is a proportional increase in extra work you will have to do to ensure that the EULA you end up with is the best it can be for your specific situation and needs.
This, unfortunately, defeats the purpose of using a EULA generator at all but it does have the benefit of costing absolutely nothing for you to use and no need to sign up or provide an email or anything like that.
Entirely Free
Fast to complete
Simple and easy process
No signup required
Few customization options
Lacks detail
Iubenda EULA Generator
Review Score:
Iubenda offers a highly customizable and in-depth EULA generator. Unfortunately, their services require that you sign up for an account with them and many of the options available do require that you pay for their use, but the depth and breadth of options available is spectacular.
At first it is a bit confusing but with a little explanation it begins to come together. The generation process is broken up into 5 different sections, each of which has their own options to select from based on your preferences.
Once you have completed the generation process you are presented with the option of embedding your new EULA in your website, which is an option I did not see offered by any of the other tools.
If at any time you find yourself confused and not sure what to start on next, there are a list of guides to explain the different steps on the right-hand side of the dashboard.
It is a point in Iubenda’s favor that they at least do you the common courtesy of notifying you that you need to sign up with their service before you spend minutes of your life going through their document generation process, but it does not mitigate the fact that they require you to sign up in the first place.
Ultimately, Iubenda’s services are a bit complex and daunting to jump into, but they offer more customization than any other service out there. There is, unfortunately, a fee associated with their service, but it may be worth it for the quality of the product provided.
Extremely customizable
Options locked behind paywall
Requires signup